07 December, 2007

flutter flutter some more... Predaliens!!

"When the Predator scout ship crash lands in a Colorado town, the Aliens on board escape and infect the town. A lone “Wolf” Predator is sent to clean up and kill all the Aliens. Meanwhile, people who live in the Colorado town are helplessly caught in the middle of the ultimate face-off between the two space monsters. The human plot seems to center around stopping the alien outbreak before the military carpet bombs the area to contain it."

Oh this looks like it will be awful.... I gotta see it!! On Christmas eve! What better way to spend it! Midnight show! Forget christmas dinner and presents and trees and eggnog and lights... Aliens vs F*ing Predators man!!! I am sooo sneaking in beers!!!

There's gonna be Predaliens!!! Oh it's going to be fun!