26 July, 2006


"I may be 70 but i'm not dead yet"...

Last week I saw Anna Maria Flechero perform at Savanna Jazz and Sugar Pie de Santo perform at the de Young Museum. Awesome performances by awesome ladies. Anna Maria was smooth, and Sugar was fiery and funny. And of course Sugar would pick R out of the crowd and dirty dance with him in front of everyone with a deadpan face.


Went to my first ever support group meeting last night. Very very interesting. There was some talk about ducks...

I dream of christmas stollen...

I was in a hall, turns out it was a church. There was a lot of people milling about, everyone was waiting for something. There was a buffet table filled with all kinds of cookies and stollen and tea (I didn't even know I knew what stollen is). The stollen was delicious, flakey, light, morsels of sugared dried fruit falling off it, a hint of marzipan. The church lights and candles were all lit, white lights danced on the colorful stained glass windows. I thought, boy I love Christmas! Then the sound of applause. We were supposed to welcome the christmas season with joyous noise, clapping. I started to clap too. Then I woke up, holy cow! I'm late!

Talk about a Jesus complex... the coming of Christ on my birthday.

Today's Tune
Sense of Me
by local songbird Heather Lauren