17 August, 2006

On Nguyen Qui Duc...

From the SF Chronicle...

For decades, Nguyen Qui Duc, founding host of KQED-FM's "Pacific Time," has searched for home. After fleeing Vietnam as a teenager in the aftermath of war, he lived in Ohio, Virginia, Morocco and London -- and traveled to many other places as well.

Now, he is moving to Hanoi with his ailing 82-year-old mother. There, he believes, his mother will receive better, more affordable care. And there, Nguyen, an accomplished poet and fiction writer, will join the flourishing literary scene, and report from Asia, covering arts, culture and social issues.

"Vietnam is home, and it's part of the most exciting continent," said Nguyen, 48. "I had a lot of opportunity in this country, which has given us a lot. But here, I'm on the computer 24 hours a day. Over there, I feel warmer in Vietnam. I have time for friends."

Read the rest of article here...