Exciting Times in the Wood...

Number One has been doubly busy this school year... striving to keep up with school work (8th grade and all that entails), plus hours and hours and days and days of rehearsals with the SF ARTSEd players for the new musical "The Yellow Wood". A little bit about the show:
"The Yellow Wood" is a new musical theatre work that our organization's after-school musical theatre troupe will premiere before public and school matinee audiences in February and March 2007. This work is the story of a young boy with AD/HD (Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder) and his struggles to adjust to his disability and revive personal relationships with family and friends during the difficult adolescent years. Recent statistics show that between 3-5% of the school age population are affected by AD/HD. Last winter, our organization, in cooperation with the New York University Graduate School of Musical Theatre, requested abstracts of new works by NYU graduate school students for our consideration for public performances by our youth musical theatre troupe. "The Yellow Wood" was selected from among the group of submissions. Subsequently our organization entered into an agreement with the librettist and composer, Michelle Elliott and Daniel Larsen, for our organization to produce and present the West Coast premiere of this work in 2007. Subsequently, "The Yellow Wood" won the Richard Rogers Award in February 2006 and NYU's Tisch School of the Arts Daryl Roth Award in May 2006.
I'm so eager to see the production. All these kids are talented and perform from the heart. Plus, of course I want to see what my baby does (my just as tall as me and taller when in heels, makeup wearing 13 year old baby, that is...) She's got the part of the head cheerleader. She decided this character of hers would, for reasons all her own, have a definite fascist bent. Should be interesting...
for more info on SF ARTSEd, go here and check out the musical theater page.
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