23 January, 2006

$1600 steel studs and 50 cent ikea wine glasses on my mind...

It's a hell of a thing when you decide to follow your dreams. There's a sense of freedom, knowing that I pave my own path. I feel like a maverick... I follow wherever the wind takes me, trusting that if I am open enough to the universe, she will show me the way and share her secrets, reveal nirvana, allowing me to create my heaven on earth... heaven being the ideal world, whatever I decide it is going to be. And i've decided long ago that following my own path is heaven enough.

And then, the universe takes it one step further, actually shows me the door and all I have to do is turn the doorknob and the dreams are right inside it, real and maleable. The devil himself dares me to make my dreams a reality. Go ahead, go on in if you dare pursue the reality you wish to create for yourself. And I, not having all my feet on the ground, gleefully said, ok, sure, why not.

What the devil doesn't tell me is, behind the door are a myriad paths - a veritable pandora's box of unlimited possibility. It's the jackpot! And it's fantastic, once I get over my fear. I take the leap. R & I take the leap. We take the whole family with us. Geronimo!!

Of course you can't get something for nothing. We have to sacrifice a few comforts. I can't buy shoes, or fancy undergarments, or pretty new skirts for at least a year. But that's ok, I've got lots of clothes I don't even wear. Plus I hate shopping.

There are other things we have to endure, and sometimes they do get on my nerves. When it rains a small lake forms in our basement, and it leaks in several places in our kitchen. We never did finish the windows in there either, so there's a draft. Once all the lights in there stopped working due to the leaks and we had to prepare our meals by candlelight. Our TV is old, we've had it since 1993, there's weird colors and weird lines. We have to put off purchasing that nice leather loveseat for our living room, thereby putting off our "ideal" living room for another year.

But it's alright. I don't mind the leaks and the lakes and the lines so much. It's the price we pay for making the dream a reality. Can't buy a new TV yet because we need to pay $1600 for steel studs. We are in the process of renovating the gallery space. Looks like it will cost $20 grand instead of $15. I think we currently have $45 in our checking account. Thank the heavens for banks and loans and mortgages.

It's an art, juggling all these things, an art I don't fully understand yet constantly am part of. I don't know exactly how we do it, but we do it anyway. Leap of faith, positive thinking, and some nerves do get frayed. You gotta dream baby! Dream about galleries, and expeditions, and documentary films, and exhibits. I just gotta keep dreaming and making it happen.

Julina said to me, life isn't a rehearsal. What are you waiting for?