27 December, 2005

monkey on my back...

a gigantic silverback ape actually...

we saw peter jackson's king kong this rainy christmas day. the kids complained at first, having just seen dino di laurentis' king kong a few days ago. they hated that movie, and wondered what was wrong with the jessica lange character (why does she act like she's drunk all the time!), and why are we going to see a movie on christmas day? (to which i replied, you are a musni, that's what musni's do on christmas day... watch movies! it's true, they do.)

after santa's presents were ripped unceremoniously, and plenty of chocolates were consumed for breakfast, we all piled in the car and went to see King Kong. my god, what an absolutely great movie! i enjoyed it tremendously... i was thrilled, scared, excited, i was rooting for the ape, i kept hoping for a happy ending, even though i should know how the movie would end. i watched the story as if it were the first time i was seeing it unfold. peter jackson makes long movies, but really good long movies. i didn't mind the length at all. i could suspend belief for 3 hours, why not. everything about the movie was fantastic, and i felt i was in this fantastic world and i didn't want it to end. except... for one part... skull island. it was such a scary place, where nature ruled and people were just prey to every predator of all sizes. the carnictus frightened me the most. i had to cover number 3's eyes during the scene with the decomposers. but i watched wide eyed, i never felt so helpless in a movie theater. those awful serpentine, vermicular monsters, they were hideous and the thought of them kept me up last night, i woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get them out of my mind. ugh... it was great!!

if you haven't seen it yet, do. see King Kong. you wouldn't believe your eyes!