"It's all about me! or... the college dropout goes back to school, oh the irony of it all"

Well, not really about me, but I do have to be there for it.
I couldn't resist posting this. I mean, really, how often does one's face get on a flier? (my mom is so proud!)
I can't believe it, i'm on a calendar and a flier!
And after that little gig, I get to do something I have not done in a very long time... nothing!!
Much appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Boogie Nights for arranging my first ever "talk abroad" (and for his awesome flier making skills). And many thanks to fifty normal for helping me put together one of my works in progress (Mindanao by Skylab). And, of course, to R, my fearless co-pilot, for holding down the fort, as I abandon him in the midst of all the wonderful madness and chaos we are in (I could not have picked a better time to leave: work responsibilities at the gallery and the SF film festival, parental duties, financial obligations), while I vacate to the islands under the guise of scholarly work. And for nagging me to put something down to paper so I don't end up looking at the audience (if indeed anyone does show up) stuttering and wondering what to say next (so... why don't we just see that slide show AGAIN!). And lastly for taking the mugshot above when I wasn't expecting it (I prefer to be behind the camera).
But really, I just want to relax for a few days and chill.
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