13 April, 2006

Sam Provensano and SoMa...

New show at the Togonon Gallery starting next week - a memorial exhibit featuring the works by the man who coined the term "SoMa", Sam Provensano. If you're in the city, come by Tuesday night (April 18) from 6-830pm. I'll even buy you a glass of wine.

Exhibition: April 18 through May 13, 2006
Opening Reception, Tuesday, April 18, 2006, from 6-8:30 p.m.

Sam Provenzano Memorial Exhibit: Paintings & Sketches

"Solo show of selected abstract expressionist paintings from 1950-1980, including his wedge series and watercolor sketches that candidly depict San Francisco life. Art critic Kenneth Baker describes his work as “echoes of John Marin and George Grosz”. Although known for his prolific life sketches in the streets and cafes of North Beach and the SoMa (the nomenclature attributed to the artist), the artist himself stated, “Abstraction is the essence of realism.” Show catalog essay is by art critic Donald Kuspit."