12 May, 2006

In the Garden of Earthly Delights...

Dr BN took me to the Art After Dark event at the Honolulu Academy of Arts - an event designed to bring in the 20's - early 40's crowd to celebrate the arts. There was a definite hip, young atmosphere. From the street I could hear the unmistakeable thumpa thumpa beat that would emanate from an uber trendy-long-around-the-block-line-you-better-know-the-bouncer-or-you'll-never-get-in kind of nightclub. The museum was converted to a "see and be seen" place, replete with intimidating bouncer type greeters..."Are you a member?" "Um, no I'm not". "Go to that line then".

I pay the entrance fee, and they take my wrist and...I get stamped. STAMPED!! At a museum?!? Where am I? Are they serious? I am way too old to be stamped, at a museum event no less. (I am not accustomed to being "stamped"! The horror!)

Inside the place is packed with people, drinking, laughing, flirting, conversing, looking at art and at each other. I am bewildered and impressed - they got a crowd of young folks that would probably never set foot in a museum inside this museum. And everyone seems to be having a good time. Wonderful!! Aloha! I love Hawaii!

First stop: Where is the bar!

"I think it's spring..."

"Butoh was formed by an amalgamation of influences including the German expressionistic dances of Mary Wigman and Harald Krautzberg, western writers such as Genet, Artaud and de Sade, and Surrealism and Dada. Butoh avoids formal definition and does not adhere to a codified technique. The essence of Butoh lies in creative freedom and focuses on the moment in which the dancers stops being him/herself and becomes someone or something else. Common themes in Butoh are metamorphosis, the cycles of life and death, and human beings' relationship to nature."

A butoh performance was taking place in one of the patios. We take a look, and watch... for as long as my attention span would allow me to observe the transformation of the dancers into whatever cycle in nature they are evolving into all the while not adhering to "formal definitions". Translation: it's so out there I am lost immediately, plus, it's a warm, clear, plumeria scented Friday night in April in Honolulu, i'm wearing a white frock and my shoes have flowers on them, my brain was not exactly in "explorations-and-critique-of-modalities-of-esoteric-dance-performance-and-its-implications-in-the-21st-century" mode. I just wanted to do what I usually do in musuems at night - drink wine then traipse through the galleries in my dress and heels in a semi-inebriated state. Which is just what I did. Weee!

When fish man in a choir gown came on stage, we decided it was time to go to the upstairs galleries. Which was great, they had a whole room just for the traditional arts of the Philippines, and one piece representing the "contemporary and modern" Filipino.

Let's just say I am not disappointed I missed the finale...

After the musuem, on to chinatown for eats and "Lesbian Torch Songs" in the Amazon women mural room.

"Our next song is a blues number..."


Looking for Parking Jam of the Day:
"Is she really going out with him"
A Cappella version
Joe Jackson


Vodka for you, Bubbly for me Jam of the Day
"Keep On"
X Factor
check it out here
(Inspired by DBN's site. Mahalo!)